Personal stories
It’s National Apprenticeship Week 2019 and to celebrate we’ve spoken to Officer Dyble who has just completed a Level 3 Custody and Detention apprenticeship offered by HMPPS - read about her prison officer journey.
In Part 2 of our HMPPS Senior Leadership Scheme blog post series, we hear from 3 candidates who are now going through their Head of Department placements. Read about their experiences so far in their 3-year journey towards becoming future leaders of HMPPS.
Prison officer Bowden had the opportunity to show Prisons Minister Rory Stewart what working as a prison officer is really like. Find out what they did, from maintaining the prison landings to talking to prisoners, to get a true taster of what it's like working in the prison service.
It’s Black History Month 2018 and to celebrate, Fiona - a Band 8 governor at HMP The Mount - talks about why it’s so important to have more staff from black and ethnic minority backgrounds working in the prison service.
Introducing HMPPS Senior Leadership Scheme, this is the first part of a blog post series that'll be following the development of 2018's SLS cohort as they make their 3-year journey towards becoming the future leaders of HMPPS.
Prison officer John Matthews appeared on Channel 4's documentary ‘Prison’. In this blog post he writes about his behind-the-scenes experiences of filming and what it’s really like being a prison officer.
HMPPS are holding their annual awards that celebrate the exceptional work prison and probation staff do every day. We’ve spoken to the 2017 Prison Officer of the Year and the Probation Champion of the Year to find out what advice they’d give to people starting out in their careers.
Keith is a Youth Custody prison officer, who works with young people aged 15-18. His post provides insight into his inspiring career, providing support to young people, helping them to develop the skills and experience that'll help them lead crime-free lives once released.
Psychology careers at HMPPS offer some of the most interesting, rewarding and impactful work in the field, supporting and understanding ex-offenders and people in prison. This blog post explores what it’s like to work as a Psychologist for HMPPS.
Sarah rose up through the ranks from a prison officer to a prison governor within 10 years, and also raised 2 small children in between. She now works at HMPPS headquarters, and shares her story on her inspiring career progression.